敬心・研究ジャーナル第3巻 第1号
本研究は、姿勢の変化が発声時の呼吸補助筋の筋活動に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象は呼吸器系や筋骨格系、発声器官に既往歴の無い健常成人14名とした。測定姿勢は、背臥位、端座位、直立位の3姿勢とし、測定項目は最大発声時の音圧レベル、同発声時の腹直筋、外腹斜筋の筋活動とした。最大発声時の音圧レベルは、端座位に比べ直立位で大きくなる傾向を示した(p=0.056)。腹直筋の筋活動では姿勢間で有意差は認められなかった。外腹斜筋の筋活動では端座位に比べ背臥位で有意に高い値を認めた(p<0.05)。最大発声時の呼吸補助筋の筋活動は姿勢の違いによって変化すること が示唆された。本研究の結果は、発声練習時の姿勢を検討する一助となることが期待される。
How Body Position Affects Muscular Activity of Accessory Muscles of Respiration During Maximum Vocalization.
Otsuka Yuichi 2)
Miyamoto Megumi2)
Koga Hiroharu 2)
Kubo Takaaki 2)
Funakoshi Kazumi 2)
2)KUMAMOTO Health Science University
The purpose of this research is to understand the effects that changes in body position have on muscular activity of accessory muscles during vocalization.
Subjects were 14 healthy adults with no medical history of respiratory, musculoskeletal, or vocal organ issues. Measurements were made at three positions: supine, seated, and standing. Sound pressure level during maximum vocalization and muscular activity of rectus abdominis and abdominal external oblique muscles were measured.
A trend was observed for greater sound pressure level at maximum vocalization when standing compared to when seated (p=0.056). No significant difference in rectus abdominis muscle activity was observed between the body positions. Significantly higher muscle activity for abdominal external oblique muscles when supine compared to when seated was observed (p<0.05).
This research suggests that muscular activity of the accessory muscles of respiration during maximum vocalization changes due to differences in body position. This is expected to be of use for deciding on body position when practicing vocalization.