敬心・研究ジャーナル第1巻 第1号
How is the “Curriculum for Childcare and Education (Hoiku-katei)”taught at Universities and Junior Colleges?
— Focusing on the Syllabuses of the “Theory of Curriculum for Nursery Schools (Hoiku-katei-ron)” —
Yoshida Naoya2)
2) Kobe Shoin Women’s University
In this paper, we will focus on the syllabuses (on the website) of “the theory of curriculum for nursery schools (hoiku-katei-ron)” in order to clarify the circumstances of recognition of “the curriculum for childcare and education (hoiku-katei).”
In 2008, “the national curriculum for nursery schools (hoikusho-hoiku-shishinn)” was revised and a new concept, “the curriculum for childcare and education (hoiku-katei),” appeared. At the same time, it was emphasized that this new concept was different from “the childcare and education plan (hoiku-keikaku).” The curriculum for training nursery school teachers at universities and junior colleges was also revised and a new subject, “the theory of curriculum for nursery schools (hoiku-katei-ron),” was established. In short, “the curriculum for childcare and education (hoiku-katei)” took the place of “the childcare and education plan (hoiku-keikaku).”
However, it seems that the syllabuses of “the theory of curriculum for nursery schools (hoiku-katei-ron)” at universities and junior colleges are not necessarily based on this new concept. Many syllabuses focus on making “the teaching and childcare plan (shido-keikaku).” There might be some confusion between “the childcare and education plan (hoiku-keikaku)” and “the curriculum for childcare and education (hoiku-katei).”