専門学校の社会的評価は充分といえるか?求められる教育の質保証のかたちとは何か?社会的評価獲得要件の第1は実績、これは定員充足率、退学率、就職率、資格合格率の他、地元就職率、卒業生の初期キャリア形成等の指標に示される。第2はIdentity。企業等との連携を認定要件とした職業実践専門課程にこそ明快なIdentity を求められる。第3は職業教育のマネジメント。教育と経営の目標を定めた中期事業計画を策定、学修成果を生む管理運営体制であるマネジメントの有無が問われる。最後は、認証評価と異なり専門学校が自ら提起し創設する自律的な評価機関による第三者評価受審とその結果の公表である。以上を総体として関連づけた「専門学校に求められる質保証のかたち」とは「職業教育のマネジメントにより高い実績を生みまた更なるアイデンティティの確立に努め、それらの状況の客観的かつ公平な第三者評価の受審結果を広く社会に公開すること」に他ならない。
Form of quality assurance required for vocational schools
― Management of vocational education and school evaluation ―
Is the social evaluation of vocational schools sufficient? What form of educational quality assurance is required? The first requirement for gaining social recognition is performance, which is indicated by indicators such as capacity utilization rate, dropout rate, employment rate, qualification pass rate, local employment rate and initial career development of graduates. The second requirement is identity, which must be clearly defined for vocational training programs that are accredited in cooperation with companies. The third is the management of vocational training, which requires the formulation of a medium-term business plan that defines the objectives of training and management, and the existence of a management system that produces results in terms of learning and training. Finally, unlike accreditation evaluation, vocational schools are required to undergo third-party evaluation by an autonomous evaluation organization that the schools establish themselves, and to disclose the results. The “form of quality assurance required of vocational colleges”, which refers to the above as a whole, specifically means “to produce high performance through the management of vocational education, to strive to further establish an identity, and to widely disclose to society the results of objective and impartial third-party evaluations of these conditions”.