敬心・研究ジャーナル第4巻 第2号
福祉事務所におけるソーシャルワーカーを人員配置するための考察 その①
川廷宗之 2)
A Study on Staffing Social Workers in Welfare Offices (1)
― Through an attempt to calculate the cost-effectiveness of social workers ―
Kawatei Motoyuki 2)
2)Professor Emeritus of Otsuma Womans University Director of Research, Development and Inovation Center for Vocational Education and Treining
Various discussions have been made to date regarding the position of social work in the Public Assistance Act to promote minimum living security and independence (= improvement of well-being and QOL).
In this practical report, in order to carry out the (guru-guru hospital) discharge promotion project in the welfare office, I will report how much cost-effectiveness I was able to bring by arranging the author who was a part-time civil servant of the local government for four years (2013 to 2017), calculated from the financial results of the annual welfare expenses through the projects I was involved in.
Then, from the average annual income of social workers, if a regular visit was made once a month, we estimated how many people it would be possible to have, and examined whether it was possible to have full-time social workers.
In the final consideration, he described the need for additional compensation and full-time employment to maintain the potential of the profession, including the complexity of the support plan development and support process, and how to evaluate if the goal is achieved.